The happiest, most productive companies are those where leaders, managers and employees perceive and experience the organisation in the same way. In other words, they’re all singing from the same hymn sheet.
But how can you be sure that’s the case?
You can use our new culture measurement tool, CHOIR, to find out.
Companies with a robust culture have up to 72% higher employee engagement than those whose cultures are misaligned or need improvement.*
*Understanding The Importance Of Corporate Culture After The Great Resignation, Forbes
CHOIR doesn’t make a judgement on whether culture is good or bad – each organisation has its own set of values and beliefs. However, it’s important to understand how strong your culture is and that’s exactly how CHOIR can help.
What is cultural strength? Put simply, if you asked your employees questions about how they experience the company, would their answers match those of senior managers?
The degree to which they match is a measure of the strength of your cultural harmony. And the areas where they don’t match are where there’s work to be done.
You probably already run regular employee satisfaction or engagement surveys which give you an understanding of how happy your workforce is.
CHOIR can work in tandem with these programmes, looking more specifically at the cultural harmony of your organisation.
It doesn’t replace an employee satisfaction study, but rather complements it perfectly.
CHOIR looks at your organisation as a social group, studying the values, beliefs and behaviours shown in the workplace. It covers three broad areas:
Employees and senior management are asked 25 questions related to each area. The areas are further broken down into smaller sets of values. From the answers, the strength of cultural harmony in each area or value is measured.
There are always going to be pitfalls to collecting dependable data when conducting internal employee surveys which is why CHOIR uses a System 1 IRT approach.
System 1 IRT ensures respondents give fast, intuitive responses which remove bias and doesn’t allow them to tailor their responses to what they might think are the ‘right ones’.
The result is a more accurate – and more reliable – picture of how they feel.
Once the leaders and employees have completed their surveys, the data is analysed and presented to you in an easily understandable visual representation.
These initial findings reveal where your cultural strengths and weaknesses lie.
Drawing on our expertise, we are then able put in place a plan of action to improve any areas of weaknesses. Using qualitative research methodologies, we delve deeper into the findings and use the insights to develop a strategy to increase your cultural harmony.
Ready to take the first step to strengthening your company’s culture? We’d love to see how CHOIR could supercharge your cultural alignment – get in touch so we can get started.