For us at The Maverick Group, some of the projects close to our heart are those that give back to communities; the ones that aren’t always explicitly commercial in nature but really, at their core, care about people and about having a positive impact.
So, with that in mind, we were truly delighted to walk away with another award – the Best Not-for-Profit campaign at the Global Agency Awards – for DHL’s Got Heart.
The campaign essentially sought to celebrate the employees of one of our favourite clients, DHL Express, and the worthy causes they do ‘in their spare time’, giving their energy through volunteering or fundraising.
…as leaders at DHL travelled around the world, we heard incredible stories of what our people are doing in their own time to give back to their communities. We wanted to recognise and reward this, and to be a company that gives purpose to its people, not just from a commercial point of view but also from a human one.Regine Buettner, Global EVP of HR for DHL Express
Purely focused on their 100,000 global employee base, we helped DHL Express showcase how they don’t just talk about connecting people and improving their lives, but truly deliver. The DHL’s Got Heart program was a showcase of all the incredible projects done across the DHL network, delivered through a purpose-built content hub inviting employees to upload and share their charitable stories.
This was supported with materials for global and local audiences, including a CRM programme, social media activity, films and print collateral.
The impact of DHL’s Got Heart has been immense, and something we’ve been incredibly proud to have been a part of. £500,000 to over 100 causes that DHL’s people really care about – touching the lives of an estimated 100,000 disadvantaged people across the world. And that’s just the start.
DHL’s Got Heart is one of the most amazing campaigns I’ve ever seen. It can live on in perpetuity…and the extent it can grow is unimaginable.John Pearson, Global CEO, DHL Express
It’s been so successful that DHL has committed to widening it, increasing the prize money and running it annually. But the real lasting impact of DHL’s Got Heart is the number of new volunteers who have taken inspiration from the campaign to give something back to their own communities.
Throughout these difficult times, the people of DHL have continued to serve where they live – not just by delivering goods, but by connecting people and improving lives – ‘For Good’.
We’re so proud of what we’ve achieved with DHL, and this accolade is just further praise for what is an incredible project.