What is employee satisfaction and why is it important?

Are you happy in your job? It seems a lot of us aren’t. In the wake of the pandemic, 40% of employees say they’re likely to leave their role in the next three to six months. While the reasons for leaving a role are numerous, there’s no doubt that being unsatisfied at work can be a key contributor to looking for that elusive greener grass.
Culture versus process

Every day, all over the world, the same scene is playing out. A puzzled and disappointed management team is trying to understand why their shiny new processes haven’t been taken on board. After all, the changes are an improvement; a way to work smarter and more efficiently. Yet here they sit by the wayside, as the team chugs on with their old ways of working.
What is your Employee Value Proposition (EVP) and why is it important?

Why should someone join your organisation? What’s in it for them? What benefits can it offer? Why is it special? And is it a good place to work? The answers to these questions are what set your organisation apart and make it distinctive. Boil them down into an Employee Value Proposition (EVP), and you get a powerful secret weapon in the never-ending battle for top talent.
Why employer branding is important for your business

Do people want to work for your organisation? If so, why? Do job seekers view it favourably? What attracts them? Why do they apply? The answers to these questions are nothing less than critical to your future success: if you want to thrive as a business, you need the best people – and that’s where an employer brand comes in.
The big Maverick marketing glossary

If there’s one thing marketers love, it’s coining a shiny new term. New concepts, words and phrases seem to emerge within the marketing industry in a non-stop stream. But fear not. Our big Maverick marketing glossary is here to keep you up to date.
Why workplace culture matters | The true value of great company culture

Sometimes, it’s hard to pin down exactly what gives an organisation its vibe. This makes ‘company culture’ feel like a slightly nebulous concept, with a magical blend of factors all coming together to create a unique workplace environment.
The Maverick Group scoops Global Agency Award for DHL’s Got Heart

For us at The Maverick Group, some of the projects close to our heart are those that give back to communities; the ones that aren’t always explicitly commercial in nature but really, at their core, care about people and about having a positive impact.
6 Employee Engagement Drivers to look out for in 2021

How can I truly engage my workforce?
That’s the million-dollar question on every business leader’s mind. Over the years, employee engagement surveys have repeatedly shown that engaged employees are more productive, more committed to their roles, and more likely to stay with a company long term.